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    You Can’t Control Where It Lands

    Boy have I missed y’all.  Last week I was sailing the Atlantic Ocean on the UberSoca Cruise.  That cruise was a WHOLE experience.  Maybe one day I’ll give a recap but today we have something else to dive into.  Let’s chat about Intent vs Impact.  Two weeks ago I had a conversation with one of my most treasured humans (for the purposes of this post we will call him Mr. B).  We were talking about the power of words and word choice.  In his rebuttal to me on a topic he said, “you may not like what I have to say but…”

    Yup that was my reaction.  I felt like I was at a dancehall party and I was the selector…(puullllll up).  I needed Mr B to rewind and come again because he was already starting off wrong.  But Mr. B, being Mr. B, proceeded to say exactly what he had to say and in that moment instead of me going straight

    I decided to make it a teachable moment in our relationship.

    Mr. B and I discussed intent versus impact.  Me, in all my knowledge and wisdom, explained a really simple lesson.  Words can’t be controlled once they leave your mouth and while the intent may be good no one cares about intent.  People are concerned with impact.  You can’t correct impact.  All the I’m sorries (not a word) in the world can’t fix impact.  Once those words are out there they are out there and you can’t recall it.  There is no recall button that you can press in Outlook to bring your words back, stuff it back in your brain and never speak on it again.  The receiver of your message has no clue that what you said came from a good place.  The receiver only knows the way in which the message impacted them.  Our words, in essence, become confirmation to the world about the way we see others and the way we see ourselves.

    We not only have to be mindful and thoughtful in our communications, we have to be willing to deal with the impact of our words.  If someone is offended by what we say we have a responsibility to try to make it right.  But in making it right one must understand that it doesn’t mean that the other person will be willing to accept the apology or reconvene the relationship.  Our only defense mechanism to negative impact is checking ourselves at the door.  Before we let these words leave our mouth we must do a once over.  You know what a once over is.  You are getting ready to leave the house, walk out the door but before you do you look in that mirror one more ‘gain.  You make sure the hair is laid just right and outfit is popping.  Then right before you leave the mirror you get in real close and check those teeth.  You make sure not a drop of your pre-game meal is evident.  It is then and only then do you walk out the door.  The once over allows us to be responsible and accountable for our words and then be prepared for the outcome.  If you look in the mirror and you know you look crazy be prepared for the stares and glares.  But also know that even if you thought you were hitting, you may still get a few stares and glares.  See, just like words…we can’t dictate where and how it lands but once it lands we have to own the impact.

    So tell me..do you always think before you speak or are you out here firing off shots all reckless and what not?

    I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
    ~Maya Angelou


    Always Clinking,


    P.S. Despite Mr. B’s IDGAD how-you-take-this attitude that he displayed, we are good.  He lives to disagree with me another day and I live to set him straight. (LOL)

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    Friendships are Vital

    When I hear women say they don’t have female friends or like to hang around women my heart goes out to them.  My friendships with other women have brought me so much joy.  I love hanging with and celebrating my fellow Queens as we journey through this thing called life (RIP Prince).

    This week I had an opportunity to attend Charlamagne the god’s book signing with one of my friends, A.  A and I met on the job 8 years ago and have managed to cultivate a pretty amazing friendship.  We don’t get to go out as much as we’d like to because we have to adult more often than not, but when we do get together it’s AMAZEBALLS!  While sitting at the bar sipping our Cava I realized how much we have been through together.  We have shared in each others joys and pains.  We are always experimenting with something ridiculous and always end up with a really good story.    Before, during and after the book signing we laughed so hard my cheeks were hurting when I got home.

    The next morning, as I began my day with gratitude, I realized just how blessed I am.  I have amazing friendships that have turned into familial relationships.  From group chats, to looks, to secret handshakes (gang gang) my friendships have been a source of love,  happiness and care.  My friendships are my safe place and source of support. Then it hit me, people that complain about the quality of their friendships may fail to do the necessary self reflection.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson said, 

    If my friendships are truly a reflection of the type of friend that I am then I’m a darn good friend.  (If I do say so myself.)

    If you avoid friendships with the same sex like the plague what kind of friend have you been?  A woman will forgive a man that they love 94,895,490,274 times but will cut a woman out of their lives after just one mistake or misunderstanding.  Sis, DO BETTER!  There are women waiting to love on you, to cheer you on, to wipe your tears and give you that hug you so desperately need.  Come on in to the circle of sisters

    What are your friendships like?  Or an even better question, what kind of friend are you?

    Always Clinking!

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    The Privilege Platform

    I love watching Shark Tank. I am intrigued as entrepreneurs and inventors “shop” their idea around looking for a “shark” to invest in their product. Last Sunday I was tuned in as Keisha Jeremie shopped her delicious applesauce. I first learned of Sanaia Applesauce when Keisha sent Luvvie a package of this bottled goodness. Luvvie shared it on her Instagram and I started following Sanaia Applesauce’s page. I had the opportunity to sample the ginger and guava flavors and I was

    Keisha walked into the Shark Tank looking like every bit of Black Girl Magic. Her red and blue ensemble was popping, she was poised, informed and articulate. As she explained the goodness which is Sanaia Applesauce I was excited to watch the Sharks fight over her. I just knew they would because her product is oh so good. But this was one of those rare occasions in which I was wrong. They didn’t fight over her. One by one they commended her but dropped out. I was in shock. How could they not want in on this? Then it happened, Kevin “I know everything” O’Leary stated he didn’t believe this business was Keisha’s passion because if it was she would’ve quit her day job and did the business full time. (insert shocked face)

    All I could think to myself was “look at privilege on display, live and in living color”. Keisha wasn’t working for the fun of it, after all, not many people do that. Most people work because they have to. I know I do. If I even think about quitting and doing my passion full time I get a friendly “your mortgage is due in 5 days reminder”. Like most entrepreneurs we sacrifice sleep and fun to get our businesses off the ground in hopes that one day our passion produces enough income to sustain us. But Mr. O’Leary couldn’t understand that. That wasn’t his struggle. His mom was an investor and his stepfather was an economist. At a young age he traveled and enjoyed things that many others hadn’t. He lacked the ability to empathize with a woman who had to grind and hustle day in and day out to support her family and pursue her dream.

    I thought I was disgusted by his comment but his fellow Shark, Robert Herjavec was apparently mortified by what he was witnessing. “I think that’s so unfair,” he told O’Leary. “I started my first company and wanted to be all in, but you know what? I had a mortgage. I had a child at home. I didn’t have that choice. I had to work 24 hours a day. She’s not asking for kumbaya. She’s just saying she has a family to support.”

    Eventually Mark Cuban gave her a deal but the whole ordeal left my mind boggled. Kevin stood at his platform of privilege and condemned a woman that did not share the same platform. I began to think how powerful the privilege platform could be if it was used for good. I wonder how different this world would be if instead of saying “poor little humans that don’t have the luxuries and benefits I have” people would use their platform to impact meaningful change. Just this week Amy Schumer talked about her support of Rihanna for declining to perform at the Super Bowl and how she told her reps that she would not do a Super Bowl commercial this year. She acknowledged that to some it may sound like “a privilege ass sacrifice” but it was all she had. I see you Sis!

    Amy couldn’t directly relate to the message behind the protest but she used her platform to support. That’s all any movement asks for…support. Keisha didn’t walk into the tank looking for sympathy. She wanted support. Me Too protesters aren’t looking for a hug. They are looking for support. Those taking a knee during the national anthem and boycotting the NFL aren’t looking for a hand clap. They are looking for support. So here is my charge to you, people of privilege, the next time you’re up on that platform give support. Do what you can to help others trying to better themselves and their communities. Whether we like it or not, whether we agree or don’t nothing changes the fact that..CMB

    Always Clinking!

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    The Power of Letting Go

    The insomniac in me loves Instagram.  When I can’t sleep and I don’t feel like getting up and being my extraordinary self, I lay in bed and be basic. (LOL!)  I can scroll Instagram with no real purpose and be quite satisfied.  I am the annoying friend that forwards memes at 2:45 am because I found it hilarious and I don’t want to forget about sending it to you later in the day (fight me).  This week’s scroll produced a reminder of something I had seen before.  It simply said, It’s so empowering to say, “this isn’t serving me” and walk away in peace.  Eureka!  There it was, words that were so empowering to me once before had popped up again because I needed a reminder.

    It seems that someone or something is ALWAYS in retrograde.  Mercury’s last retrograde was a doozy but I made it out alive but now here comes Venus. (Come on son!)  I don’t get into the particulars of the retrograde, I don’t know much about the house, the order or the rising but I know the fact that it appears to us that a planet is going backwards when we know that isn’t possible grabs my attention.

    The directive to me during this retrograde was to be romantic.  My sign is supposed to fall in love with everything: my work, my dreams, etc..  I was cautioned about an ex coming back into my life that I should take a chance on

    not TUH-DAY satan!

    All those words in my horoscope but it never told me the dynamics of one of my close friendships would change.

    An incident happened which in the moment I thought nothing of it, but after 1 sleep and a wake I realized, I’m tired of this roller coaster.  I’m a bomb friend and I’m tired of having to explain my intent and coddle feelings and emotions because you have misunderstood me once again or you’re in your feelings so you take everything personally.  It’s draining, it’s exhausting and I want out.  I’m like girl, if you’re my friend you should know me, why do I have to constantly clarify something with you? UGH.  Now don’t get me wrong this person is a Tony the Tiger…GGGREEEEAAAATTTTT friend and I’m sure she’ll call me and say “are you talking about my in your blog post” and I’ll say,

    I’m just tired of the constant victimization of self when there was no crime committed.  So this time, instead of calling to work it out I just walked away from the situation.  It’s not permanent, I know we’ll be back talking at some point, but I am sure that things will be different.  I’m letting go of the need to always make it right and embracing the need for accountability. The need to always make it right led to this moment where I’ve shut down.  Had I addressed this issue before maybe we wouldn’t be here but hey, it’s never too late.

    How many times have we held on to things that didn’t serve us so we weren’t viewed as selfish.  We hold on to toxic relationships because we really want them to survive and thrive even though they have been dead for years.  We get along just to get along because we don’t want to rock the boat but why not…you’re the captain now (movie line). We stay in careers that make us miserable because we are afraid of starting over, we fear that we aren’t good at anything but that which we have always been doing and no one else will hire us.  We bend over and allow people to ride our backs because we don’t want to be viewed as less than amenable.

    Well look at God, here is our opportunity.  Our moment in time to begin to practice self care in a way we never thought possible.  We are going to LET.IT.GO and reclaim our peace, our joy and ourselves.  Letting it go is like taking that long, relaxing deep breath.  First you INHALE, you close your eyes and imagine all the things in your life you want to release, you see yourself where you want to be.  Then you fully EXHALE, you release all negativity and things that do not serve you.  Finally you OPEN YOUR EYES and move forward in power.  When you let it go, when you walk away with the peace of knowing that whatever the situation was it wasn’t for your good, you take back your power and make room for the next great thing that has been dying to enter your life.

    Come join me because I’m out here like Elsa, standing on the mountain top, twirling around and screaming “Let It Go” at the top of my lungs.

    Always Clinking!


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